

Do You Have Any of These 5 Conditions? If So, PT Can Help

Do You Have Any of These 5 Conditions? If So, PT Can Help

July 10, 2022

Say Goodbye to Your Pains with Physical Therapy Relief!

Did you know that physical therapy is a natural form of pain relief treatment that can be used to manage a variety of different conditions?

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that physical therapy treatments are a great way to reduce their chronic pain and other recurring symptoms until after they’ve tried other traditional treatment methods like surgery and prescription painkillers.

If you are experiencing any of our top 5 most common aches and pains, you may be a good candidate for physical therapy. Keep reading to learn more about common conditions that can be treated with physical therapy and some of the top recommendations for natural healing from our experienced physical therapist.

5 signs you may need physical therapy intervention

1. Traumatic Injury

After experiencing a traumatic injury, your body requires plenty of time to heal and recover. But in today’s busy world, many people must get back to work as soon as possible following an injury.

Physical therapy can help your body to heal more quickly and efficiently after a traumatic injury or surgery. Physical therapy is an ideal post-surgical healing option and designed to help you reach your rehabilitation goals without the use of prescription pain medications.

2. Joint Pain

Arthritis and other forms of joint pain can increase in severity as we age.

However, people of all ages are at risk of developing joint pain, especially following another traumatic injury. For those who are overweight or obese, joint pain can become a chronic health issue that prevents one from enjoying the simple things in life like taking a walk after dinner or getting in and out of the car with ease.

Working with a physical therapist to develop a personalized treatment plan can help to manage your joint pain and other symptoms naturally.

3. Neck Pain

It’s common to experience neck pain for a variety of different reasons. You may notice neck pain spring up after an auto accident or as a result of poor posture. Neck pain is often very difficult to cope with and treat with traditional medicine.

However, physical therapy and massage can relieve the muscles in the neck, reduce swelling, and help to restore your natural mobility.

4. Headaches

Recurring headaches are no laughing matter and can make getting through the day seem nearly impossible.

In many cases, frequent headaches are a sign of injury in the neck or back. Working with a physical therapist to target the cause of your recurring headaches can reduce the severity of your head pain or eventually eliminate them altogether.

5. Back Pain

Back pain is one of the biggest reasons that Americans visit the doctor each year. Back pain can be the result of a wide variety of different injuries, illnesses, and chronic conditions. You may be experiencing back pain due to an overuse injury, a degenerative disease, sports injury, or other common environmental factors.

But whatever the cause, there’s a good chance that your back pain is preventing you from completing simple everyday tasks like getting out of bed or climbing the stairs without feeling pain. Physical therapy can help to address the root cause of your pain, increase mobility, reduce inflammation and much more.

Passive and active therapies can help with your pain

The purpose of passive physical therapy is to help pain become more manageable, and hopefully to alleviate it altogether. Physical therapists work hard to reduce pain as much as possible.

Passive physical therapy can include any combination of these specialty treatments, as deemed fit by your physical therapist:

  • Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • Ice and heat therapies
  • Dry needling
  • Ultrasound
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Iontophoresis

Active therapy focuses on targeted exercises and stretches in order to improve function in the affected area.

The purpose of active treatments is to provide exercises that the patient can do on their own in the later stages of their physical therapy treatment plan. In fact, many active physical therapy treatments are designed so the patient can perform them on their own, after their PT sessions are over.

Once your pain or discomfort subsided enough that your physical therapist believes you are ready for active physical therapy, he or she will set up an exercise schedule specific to your needs.

The exercises prescribed in an active treatment plan are all geared toward helping you gain back your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. These exercises will help provide support to the painful area and will guide you further in your recovery process.

Physical therapy has proven effects!

Clinical studies support the benefits of physical therapy for health conditions like osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is one of the ten most common illnesses. “Patients were recruited from the osteoporosis outpatient clinics of Klinikum Südstadt hospital and the University hospital of Rostock to engage in physical therapy for osteoporosis.

Over a period of 3 months, 44 patients with osteoporosis completed a twice-weekly 30-minute intensive exercise program. The conclusion was that physical therapy reduced pain and improved function, with the sling exercise patients benefiting most.

The combination of functional improvement and pain mitigation resulted in improved health. This study is just one of the many proving the health benefits of physical therapy.

Find relief with Pittman PT today

If you or a loved one are struggling with recurring pain after an injury or as the result of a degenerative condition, physical therapy can help your body to heal naturally.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of physical therapy for pain management and healing? Contact our knowledgeable and friendly physical therapist for more information and be sure to schedule your initial consultation today.

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