Have you grown accustomed to feeling a twinge here and a spasm there? Do you suffer from recurring aches and pains for reasons you don’t totally understand? Have you been gritting your teeth and...
Get to the Root of Your Back Pain. Could it be a Herniated Disc?
Back pain is one of the most common complaints among Americans today. Whether you experience the occasional ache in your back, or you deal with reoccurring chronic back pain, it can make completing...
How To Keep Up With Your Physical Therapy This Summer
Tired of Your Hip and Knee Pain? Find Lasting Relief with Physical Therapy
The knee is considered a hinge joint while the hip is a ball-and-socket joint. They are both complex joints with a network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, and cartilage all working together to...
Chronic Back Pain Doesn’t Have to be Your Story. Understand 3 Physical Therapy Can Help.
Chronic back pain is pain that persists for three months and longer. This type of pain can be due to a variety of reasons, including arthritis of the spine, aging, disc problems and myofascial pain...
Physical Therapy Solutions for Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain
Are You Searching For Ways To Improve Your Life? Here Are 6 Benefits Physical Therapy Can Offer!
Do you need to heal from a recent accident or surgery, but you’re having a hard time doing it alone? Have you noticed that your muscles are aching or sore throughout the day? Do you have a chronic...
The Top 5 Ways Proper Posture can Help Alleviate Back Pain
Everyone has heard the importance of sitting or standing up straight. However, maintaining proper posture at all hours of the day is usually easier said than done. Many people experience back pain...
Is It Back Pain or Sciatica?
Combat Inflammation From Arthritis Through Physical Therapy Treatment
Are you living with arthritis? If so, you know how much it can control your routine. Arthritis can be extremely limiting to a person’s life, and unfortunately, it is a disorder of the joints that...