Back pain and discomfort costs the world’s economy 149 million workdays, according to the World Health Organization. This problem is extremely prevalent; in fact, 60-70 percent of individuals in...
Solutions For Your Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain
Headache Pain Is No Joke. Find Freedom Through Physical Therapy!
Have you been suffering from debilitating headaches? If so, know that you are not alone. It is no secret that headaches can cause limits to your daily life. In fact, the International Headache...
Physical Therapy Can Help Frozen Shoulders!
Arthritis Pain Shouldn’t Control Your Life. With Physical Therapy, It Doesn’t Have To!
Are your joints are painful, achy, or weak? You could be living with arthritis, and you’re not alone if this is the case. In reality, people are diagnosed with more than 100 different forms of...
Are Your Joints Hurting? 4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain.
Arthritis is a common joint pain issue that can affect people of all ages. And while there is no cure for arthritis, with physical therapy you can learn to manage your arthritis pain naturally. For...
It’s Not Too Early to Think About Spring Sports
Back Pain is Commonly Caused by Herniated Discs – Do You Know Where Your Pain is Coming From?
Find Relief for Your Herniated Discs! Back pain is one of the most common complaints among Americans today. Whether you experience the occasional ache in your back, or you deal with recurring...
Find Relief for Your Arthritic Pains Today
Arthritis Slowing You Down? Physical Therapy Can Get You Moving Once Again! Arthritis is a common joint pain issue that can affect people of all ages. And while there is no cure for arthritis, with...
5 Reasons to Treat Your Pain Naturally With Physical Therapy
Are you living with chronic pain? Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for three months or longer. If you answered yes to the question above, you are certainly not alone. The American Academy...