Are you waiting to have surgery? Are your muscles or joints weaker than they used to be? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, preventative...
How Physical Therapy Can Help You Shrug off Your Shoulder Pain
Differentiating Between Sprains and Strains, and Treating Them With Physical Therapy
We’ve all been in this situation: you’re walking down the street when your ankle slips off the curb. You feel an immediate twinge of pain, but you’re not sure if it necessarily requires a trip to...
Experiencing Sciatic Pain? Here’s How to Tell if It’s Time For Physical Therapy.
Did you know that the sciatic nerve is the human body’s longest nerve? It runs from the lower back to the legs and ends at the feet. People suffering from sciatica typically describe their pain as...
Avoid Dangerous Painkillers and Opioids With Physical Therapy
As we all know, our country has been ravaged by an opioid crisis. In 2016, 116 people died from an opioid overdose every day and it is estimated that approximately 11.5 million Americans abuse...
How a Physical Therapist Can Help Cyclists Avoid Injuries
Did you Know Physical Therapy Can Help Reduce Stress Related Headaches? Here’s How.
Headaches are a common issue that can plague everyone from preteens to retirees. However, when recurring tension or stress-related headaches make it difficult to get through your day, physical...
How Does Chronic Pain Affect Your Sleep?
Do You Have Any of These 5 Conditions? If So, PT Can Help
Say Goodbye to Your Pains with Physical Therapy Relief! Did you know that physical therapy is a natural form of pain relief treatment that can be used to manage a variety of different conditions?...
Don’t Turn to Opioids – Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Your Pain
Find Natural Relief for Your Pains With our Physical Therapists! You have so many things you want or need to do today – but they’ll have to wait until you take your pills. Prescription opioids are...