Are you feeling back pain after being quarantined to your home? You may be wondering, “Why is this? I’ve barely left the couch!” Well, therein lies the issue. The sedentary lifestyle that I’m sure...
Physical Therapy
7 Easy Ways to Increase Your Activity and Live Healthy
Do you move every day? Doing so can increase your lifespan, improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance, and help you manage...
How to Improve Your Posture Quickly and Easily
Are You Taking Opioids for Your Arthritis Pain? You Need to Read This.
Arthritis is a general term that actually includes hundreds of different diseases. Whether you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or another type, one of the primary symptoms is inflammation...
Is Your Daily Stress Resulting in Headaches? Physical Therapy Can Help
The work day is almost over, but your inbox is full and your to-do list is long. You are already thinking about the many things you’ll have to handle in the evening, and what will be facing you when...
Using Opioids to Mask Your Arthritic Pains? There’s a Better Way
What if someone told you that the opioids you’re taking for pain relief are actually making your arthritis worse? You’d probably want to listen to that person. Opioids like morphine and oxycodone...
Arthritis Relief: Experience Life Again Without Harmful Drugs
Get to the Root of Your Hip and Knee Pains with Physical Therapy
Is it difficult for you to engage in your regular activities due to hip or knee pain? Whether your hip or knee pain occurs when you’re moving or sitting, physical therapy can help get you back to...
There’s Hope for Your Chronic Back Pain – Find Relief with Physical Therapy
Chronic back pain leads many people to consider surgery or addictive painkillers to deal with the problem. The depression that can accompany serious, long-lasting back pain can lead people to think...